Domestic & Commercial Fencing
in Grantham

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Fencing in Grantham

Fencing in Grantham

Are you looking for fencing in Grantham, Newark, sleaford and the surrounding areas? Then please consider getting in touch with the professionals here at PV Baker Fencing Ltd. We are a well established specialist fencing company, and we can cover the areas of Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire for both domestic and commercial customers.

Our company can supply and erect a wide variety of fencing, gates and wooden constructions for your consideration.

Wooden Fencing

We can design bespoke fences to meet any requirements and we can work to specific budgets or security requirements to ensure complete satisfaction with all of our customers' individual needs. All of the work that we do is carried out to a high standard, with which we are very proud of.

If you require more information regarding the services we can offer, please call us today to discuss your requirements.

Wooden Fencing
Metal & Security Fencing

Metal & Security Fencing

Do you need metal fencing in Grantham? Then you have come to the right place. Our company is built on our solid and strong reputation within the local area.

Call us today to find out more and we will be happy to be of assistance to you.

Range of Services

Are you in need of domestic fencing in Grantham? We have many years of experience within the industry, so you can rest assured that you will receive an outstanding level of service if you choose to use our company. So call us today if you need our expertise and we will be happy to talk you through the options we have available to you.

Domestic Fencing

Panels & Trellis

Post & Rail Fencing

Security Fencing

Bespoke Fencing solutions

Screening for
Bins & Oil Tanks

Please call us on 07714 342396.
